About Our Mean Median Mode Range Calculator

Mean median and mode are basically the three different types of averages used to calculate or measure three types of value from a numerical set of data provided.

What Mean does is help us calculate the most possible value from a given set of data.Median on the other hand goes about calculating the central value of the data and mode presents us with the most common value from the given set of data.

Mean median and mode belongs to the same family from the statistics field hence works hand in hand when coming to achieving results and therefore has become a part of our day to day life as it assists us in calculating the simplest things from calculating a students overall performance to a persons salary.


Mean, in other words, is a type of average, to be specific you may say it is the arithmetic average. Mean is used to calculate the average value of a set of numbers. Whenever there is a need to calculate statistical analysis, the Mean calculator comes into the picture. What Mean does is to become a representing value for several measurements.Mean calculation blends in not only in our day to day life but also in calculating large scale data as well.

The calculator uses the following formula to calculate the mean:

where n is the total number of values and xi (x1, x2, ... ,xn) are the individual numbers in the data set. In other words: It's the sum of all values, divided by the total number of values.

Mean Calculator

A mean calculator is an online tool that assists you in calculating the mean by simply entering the values into the calculator and it automatically gives you the results in a fraction of seconds by saving your valuable time without having to calculate the same manually. This Sample Mean Calculator will make your calculation very easy without any worries.

Where Can Mean Calculator Be Used?

Mean Calculator can be used anywhere and everywhere as and when there is a need to calculate an average, be it of the monthly expense in a person's life, or salary average of several employees, or even the average grades of a student.

Why is it Important and Its Relevance?

Just like how maths is important in our day to day life, as is mean calculator. Because mean in itself is simple yet one of the crucial elements of statistics, therefore, plays a very significant role in the basic foundation of statistical analysis of data.


The Median is a central data set, and it generally arranges data points from the lowest to highest and forms the significant digit in the mean. If two numbers are placed in the middle, the Median sets the average of those two numbers.

The middle is a balance of central tendency. Half of the observations have a lower value, and half have a higher value. It is the value of the sorted statements at the center.

How to Calculate Median?

Note: Remember, the mean is calculated by adding the scores together and dividing by the number of scores you said.

  • Set your numbers in the numerical set.
  • Tally how many numbers you have.
  • To find the median number of an odd number, divide the number by two and round it up.
  • To get the Median, divide the even number by 2. Then average it with the following higher number.

Consider this arrangement of numbers: 5, 7, 9, 9, 11. Since you have an odd number of scores, the middle would be 9. You have five digits, so you partition 5 by 2 to get 2.5, and gather to 3. The number in the third position is in the middle.

What happens when you have many scores, so there is no single center score? Think about this arrangement of numbers: 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7. Since there are many scores, you want to take the normal of the center two scores, working out their mean.

For this situation, the mean would be 2 + 4 (add the two center numbers), which approaches 6. Then, at that point, you take 6 and gap it by 2 (the all-out number of scores you added together), which comes to 3. Thus, for this model, the middle is 3.

You can make your calculation super easy using our Median Calculator. You can easily find the median calculator online.

Median Formulas

This Median Calculator uses two different formulas for calculating the Median, depending on whether the number of observations is odd or it is even:

In the case of odd numbers of observations, the formula is:

Formula 1:


For an even number of observations, the formula is:

Formula 2:



The mode is the most common value amongst a given set of numbers or even the most common result to be found.

Finding mode, therefore, makes it quite easy from a given set of values.

For example, if in a given set of numbers 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,2,2,2, the most common value, here being 2 is the Mode. In the case of Mode there are chances that you might also end up with one or more Modes or sometimes no Mode at all.

Mode Calculator

A mode calculator is an online tool that assists you in calculating the Mode by simply entering the values into the calculator and it automatically gives you the results in a fraction of seconds by saving your valuable time without having to calculate the same manually.

Where Can Mode Calculator Be Used?

Mode Calculator can be used anywhere and everywhere as and when there is a need to calculate the most common value like in government statistics for calculating median household income or in business to understand the most required size of a product in the market and so on.

Why is Mode Important and what is Its Relevance?

Just like how maths is important in our day to day life, as is Mode calculator.

Because Mode in itself is simple yet one of the crucial elements of statistics, therefore, plays a very significant role in the basic foundation of statistical analysis of data.


Range, in other words, is a measure of Dispersion; to be specific you may say it is the measure of by how much the values in the data set are likely to differ from their Mean. Range can be calculated easily by subtracting the lowest form from the highest value in the set.

Whenever there is a need to calculate statistical analysis, the Range calculator comes into the picture. What Range does is calculate the difference between the largest value and the smallest value.

Range calculation blends in not only in our day to day life but also in calculating large scale data as well.

The calculator uses the following formula to calculate the Range:

Range = maximum(xi) - minimum(xi)

Where, xi represents the set of values.

In other words: It's the simplest measure to calculate variability.

Range Calculator

A Range calculator is an online tool that assists you in calculating the Range by simply entering the values into the calculator and it automatically gives you the results in a fraction of seconds by saving your valuable time without having to calculate the same manually.

Where Can a Range Calculator Be Used?

Range Calculator can be used anywhere and everywhere as and when there is a need to calculate the simplest variability in the data, be it the weather forecasts, quality control, or even the fluctuation in the share prices. It’s easy to find a range calculator is easy, all you have to do is visit our website, and woahhhh!!! you will see a list of calculators, choose the calculator you want, and start calculating.

Why Range is Important and Its Relevance?

Just like how maths is important in our day to day life, as is Range calculator. Because Range in itself is simple yet one of the crucial elements of statistics as it assists us in evaluating the whole of a data set and therefore, plays a very significant role in the basic foundation of statistical analysis of data.
